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This post is all about items every college student needs.

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college packing list freshman year

Going into my freshman year of college two years ago, I purchased every single thing I could have imagined I would have ever needed to use in my college dorm. My (and let's be real, parents) bank account was not happy.

I had no idea about the items every college student needs.

Let me tell you a little secret from someone who has done the dorm room shopping and packing multiple times-- you will not even touch half of the things you buy.

However, there were 11 essential products I used all the time that every college student should know about. I actually also texted my friends to make sure I wasn't forgetting any of the other must-haves and they also thought these were the most important products to purchase.

Here are 11 essential items every college student needs.

Items Every College Student Needs:

1. Pack of Extra Long Phone Chargers

I live for the 10ft chargers amazon sells. This pack of four iPhone chargers is my favorite and what I have purchased numerous times because they are the best!

Dorm rooms usually only half one or two outlets, and likely none are near your bed. Also, most beds in a dorm are bunked so if you like to lay in your bed on your phone (pretty sure all college students are guilty of this one;) then you need an extra long charger.

On top of just reaching your bed, mine actually reached around my whole dorm room which was pretty nice for when I was putting on makeup, laying on my futon, or just doing anything else random and wanted to charge my phone from different places.

I always (still do this!) keep the 3ft charger in my backpack so that if I need a quick charge at the library or wherever I am, I can just plug it into my computer.

2. Keurig

I never drank coffee before going to college so I never thought I would need a Keurig. Thank goodness my roommate brought one though because I used it all the time.

I love tea so I would make myself caffeinated tea to give me a boost almost daily. I would also use the hot water to add to noodles and other food recipes that needed it. It really was so handy for us.

Here is the link to the best-selling Keurig on Amazon (just checked-it's on sale right now!).

3. Clip-On Fan

This fan is a life-saver!! Even dorm rooms that are air-conditioned can get so hot and sleeping in that can be miserable. Having a fan that you can clip on to the side of your bed is SO nice and can stop you from getting overly hot at night.

If your dorm room isn't air conditioned (like mine!!! rip to me summer) then this fan is so essential. It will be your best friend during those first few weeks of school and the last few weeks.

This is my favorite fan because it comes with a battery and is less than $20.00.



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4. Humidifier

I normally have very clear skin but when my skin started breaking out a few weeks into college, I knew something different was happening to do it. I even went to the dermatologist and she said that the breakouts were due to how dry my skin was. Since I was putting on face moisturizer morning and night so I was stumped how it could be dry. Then I realized that the air in my dorm had no moisture.

Purchasing a humidifier was one of the best things my roommate and I did and we used it all day, every day. It was/is the best!

This humidifier is cute and also less than $50!

5. Water Bottle

Most dorms include a water fountain for you to use. I purchased this Hydroflask and drank so much water because of it.

Not only does having a water bottle help save the earth, but it also saves you money from going out and buying a case of waters weekly. I started out buying plastic water bottles every week and then there's that one week where you don't go to the store and you are SO thirsty. Do yourself a favor and have a water bottle ready to go for you.

This is my favorite water bottle I have ever owned.

6. Planner

In college, your planner is your baby.

Seriously, I use my planner all day, every day and carry it around everywhere. I would be lost with it. Okay, you get it, get a planner!

College professors (normally) do not remind you twice if there is something due so you have to be on top of remembering when you have homework, tests, projects, meetings, etc.

Even if you never used planners in high school, I would recommend getting one for college and just trying it out. It will keep you much more organized than if you didn't have one.

Here is the planner a ton of college students love.

7. Monogrammed Towel Coverup

items every college student needs

This is my favorite thing I purchased for college. When I first received this as a gift, I didn't think I would ever use it. To my surprise, I used it every day and still use it every day even when I am at home.

This is the best for college students especially if you are in a community bathroom dorm. These towel wraps have velcro at the top so it always stays up when you're walking to the bathroom.

I know Target sells this, but I feel like everyone has it so treat yourself and get a cute custom one. It is very comparably priced so why not have it be a little special ;).

PS: If you're looking to get your friends grad gifts, give them this! They're very cute and you can even get them monogrammed.

Here is the towel wrap I own and recommend.

8. Mini Vacuum

This thing is amazing!! In both dorms I have lived in, the vacuums have been ancient and spray more dust around than do any good.

I ordered this vacuum on Amazon for less than $20 and my roommates used it every few days. This little vacuum did so much better than the old vacuums that the dorms offer you.

It also is really nice to just have this handy in your dorm because you will constantly have reasons to use it. Since you are basically doing everything in your dorm, you will have multiple spills and crumbs everywhere.

Here is a link to the mini vacuum I used.

8. Power Strip

I can almost guarantee that your dorm room will have no more than two outlets. I can also guarantee that you will have more than four things you will want to plug in.

Having power strips will be so helpful and allow you to have enough plugs for all lights, TV, microwave, technology, etc.

I really like this power strip because it has the USB drive slots and regular plugs.

9. Mattress Pad

Believe it or not, my dorm room bed was SO much more comfortable than my bed at home because of this mattress pad.

Mattress pads can be expensive, but the one I purchased is around $100 and very recommended (from me). You will constantly be laying in bed even if you're not sleeping so make sure it is comfortable!

Here is the mattress pad I own. I got the thickest one I could find!

11. Velvet Hangers

Closets in college are basically non-existent so making sure you find the thinnest hangers are essential to making sure all your clothes fit!

My favorite hangers by far were these velvet hangers because they were very thin but also kept my shirts from falling off.

These are extremely inexpensive velvet hangers at only $19.99 for 50 hangers.

I promise you, you need to bring these products to college. You will use all the products daily and will be so appreciative that you have them to use!

I am wishing that when I was going into my freshman year of college, I had this list so use it to your advantage!! You will be coming in much more prepared than other college students.



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